OSCARS at EUDAT Conference 2024

Calendar Event date
3–5 December 2024
OSCARS will join the EUDAT Conference 2024, to be held at ZKM Karlsruhe (Center for Art and Media) - Germany, from the 3rd to the 5th of December, 2024, with the contribution by Anca Hienola (OSCARS WP3 co-leader) to the eInfra Assembly Session: Establishing and strengthening collaborations across the research data ecosystem.
In the session, representatives of pan-European e-Infrastructures EGI, EUDAT, GEANT, OpenAire, and PRACE will join the stage with researchers from the European RIs.
The session is scheduled on December 4th, from 14:30 to 16:00 CET, and will be held at ZKM Vortragssaal.
Session Organisers:
Jos van Wezel (KIT), Andreas Athenodorou (Cyprus Institute)
Panellists :
Tomasz Parkoła, DARIAH (PSNC)
Anca Hienola, OSCARS (FMI - OSCARS)
Ulrich Bundke, ENVRI-hub (FZJ)
Nicola Fiore, EGI
Yann Le Franc, EUDAT (EUDAT)
Alexios Chatzigoulas, Academy of Athens
David Heyns, GÉANT
Elli Papadopoullou, OpenAire (AthenaRC)
What to expect?
Representatives of the service providing pan European e-Infrastructures EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAire, and PRACE will join the stage with researchers from the European research infrastructures and institutes. Reflecting on the existing portfolio from the e-Infrastructures, the service providers and researchers will present, discuss and exchange ideas on improving existing services, the role of EOSC and the federation in service provisioning, on integrating services from the RIs, on cross thematic services and on cross e-infrastructure services. The audience is invited to engage with the presenters during this solution oriented ‘mind-the-gap’ meeting.
Aim of the session is to improve mutual understanding of purpose and scope of the services provided by the eInfrastructures and in dialog with scientific communities and the audience determine service gaps and chances for improved interoperability.
OSCARS will also be present with a poster about its key objectives and information about its Open Calls for Open Science projects and services. In particular, the statistics about the 1st Open Call will be showcased, and there will be the chance to learn more about the upcoming 2nd Open Call opening, which will be launched on January 15th, with a dedicated online event. Registration is open.
More about the EUDAT Conference
The EUDAT Conference is EUDAT’s flagship event which provides a forum for the latest developments in research data management and enabling tools and solutions.