OSCARS' Work Packages

The project’s workplan foresees the implementation of activities distributed in four work packages:

WP1 - Cluster Open science Competence Centres (CLOCC)

Collaboration and consolidation of the Science Clusters promotes their long-term role(s) in framing an offer to accompany, help, involve, coordinate, and empower scientists to commit to Open Science practices, to uptake EOSC, and to foster the uptake of Science Clusters’ services and solutions. 
The cross-fertilisation research and innovation framework that the Science Clusters have developed and deployed within the H2020 work programme fosters consolidation towards the structural development of Community-based Competence Centres (CCC). The major objectives of WP1 within this framework are that each Science Cluster establishes a specific domain-orientated CCC by leveraging its own specific achievements and competences, addressing its scientific community’s culture and needs. Simultaneously, the CCC of the five Science Clusters offer the opportunity of cross-cluster consolidation in the work programme of the OSCARS project in order to encourage and strengthen intra-cluster collaboration, the sharing of best practices and strategy development. 

WP1 Deliverables 

D1.1CCC first surveyESRF
D1.2CCCs Functioning ReportEATRIS
D1.3Events reportESRF
WP2: Composable Research Infrastructure Services in EOSC (CRISE)

The main challenge ahead for the Science Clusters, and specifically to this WP, is increasing the data-driven scientific output across all domains through CODAS – Composable Open Data and Analysis Services. A CODAS, which might refer to service catalogues, data hubs and analysis platforms, is the result of the composability of a series of fundamental services for a user-centric open data research process.
By interpreting the needs of domain-based scientific communities, CODAS – which are customised per domain, or per RI, and are conceived in cooperation with researchers and other experts – will allow exploiting a high level of composability of services and data federations, to conduct research in a FAIR and Open context. 
Within a comprehensive CODAS, scientists are individually authenticated and authorised, provided with access to datasets, can select software from a catalogue, and are provided with facilities to run workflows. As a result, they can publish research products such as publications, research data and research software.
WP2 is dedicated to enabling this vision.

WP2 Deliverables 

D2.1Clusters’ Services and Data Sources PortfolioDARIAH
D2.2Service Composability ReportDESY
D2.3Engagement Concept and Dissemination ReportDARIAH
WP3 – Testing and Widening uptake (TEWE)

With OSCARS, the Science Clusters have the first opportunity to consolidate a functional collaborative work to conduct targeted inter-cluster tests of Open Science services. 
Through WP3, OSCARS will join efforts within other existing EOSC projects, Task Forces and international fora, initiatives and Working Groups, to tailor platforms for hosting interdisciplinary science projects and to be a catalyst for CODAS building. Such an activity would be then exploited to: 

  • Support broadly all researcher communities across Europe, to contribute to, and benefit from, a user-oriented EOSC, focusing on synergies by reusing and increasing impact of existing outputs, tools and recommendations;
  • Increase the alignment of operation of ESFRI and international RIs, at both the domain and interdisciplinary level, as a function of the progressive deployment of EOSC, prioritising integration and support for new communities, currently less aware, and therefore less invested, in this area.

As the Science Clusters are expected to further widen the uptake of Open Science, their mutual coordination should primarily explore and deploy actions to involve smaller or less structured communities, to engage with University Associations or Learned Societies, industries, citizens and society at large.

WP3 will develop a registry of stakeholders, a dashboard and series of actions in this respect, including the provision of training and coaching, to also ensure developed services are assessed against their usefulness, usability, functionality and performance, by users from various fields of science.

WP3 Deliverables 

D3.1Mentoring framework for OSPsFMI
D3.2EOSC Competence NetworksERINHA
D3.3Support activities & collaborations for EOSC Science Clusters ReportFMI
D3.6Interim Policy BriefingFMI
D3.4Competence centres Strategy for Science Clusters in EOSCERINHA
D3.5CC RegistryERINHA
D3.7Final Policy BriefingFMI
WP4 -Management, Communication and open Calls (MACC) 

The WP, which is in charge of the overall management, administration, and communication strategy of the entire OSCARS project, is dedicated to the publication and implementation of the OSCARS’ Open Calls for cross-RI and/or cross-domain science projects and services through a cascading grant mechanism. The mentoring of the funded Open Science Projects and Services, as well as the onboarding of their data and results in the EOSC, will be part of WP4’s mission. Therefore, communication plans to reach out to multiple scientific communities will be developed and implemented.
The ultimate goal is to demonstrate the use of EOSC resources by the multiple research (academic and industrial) communities, which the OSCARS project intends to engage with, and that’s why interfaces and coherence with all other WPs will be key.
The Open Calls, which will be targeting the user community within and beyond the Science Clusters, will be organised in compliance with the EC’s conditions for transparency, equal treatment, conflict of interest and confidentiality. 

WP4 Deliverables 

D4.1Web PageTrust-IT
D4.2Data Management PlanCNRS-LAPP
D4.3Exploitation PlanCERIC
D4.8Report on cumulative expenditure M12CNRS-LAPP
D4.4Mid-term OSCARS OC Impact ResultsTrust-IT
D4.9Report on cumulative expenditure M36CNRS-LAPP
D4.5"OSCARS ceremony”CNRS-LAPP
D4.6Blueprint ReportCNRS-LAPP
D4.7Final OSCARS OC Impact ResultsTrust-IT
D1.1CCC first surveyESRF
D1.2CCCs Functioning ReportEATRIS
D1.3Events reportESRF
D2.1Clusters’ Services and Data Sources PortfolioDARIAH
D2.2Service Composability ReportDESY
D2.3Engagement Concept and Dissemination ReportDARIAH
D3.1Mentoring framework for OSPsFMI
D3.2EOSC Competence NetworksERINHA
D3.3Support activities & collaborations for EOSC Science Clusters ReportFMI
D3.6Interim Policy BriefingFMI
D3.4Competence centres Strategy for Science Clusters in EOSCERINHA
D3.5CC RegistryERINHA
D3.7Final Policy BriefingFMI
D4.1Web PageTrust-IT
D4.2Data Management PlanCNRS-LAPP
D4.3Exploitation PlanCERIC
D4.8Report on cumulative expenditure M12CNRS-LAPP
D4.4Mid-term OSCARS OC Impact ResultsTrust-IT
D4.9Report on cumulative expenditure M36CNRS-LAPP
D4.5"OSCARS ceremony”CNRS-LAPP
D4.6Blueprint ReportCNRS-LAPP
D4.7Final OSCARS OC Impact ResultsTrust-IT



WP1 - Cluster Open science Competence Centres (CLOCC)

WP2 - Composable Research Infrastructure Services in EOSC (CRISE)

WP3 - Testing and Widening uptake (TEWE)

WP4 - Management, Communication and open Calls (MACC)