A workflow for marine genomic observatories data analysis

LS-RI - Life Sciences

Shotgun marine metagenomic datasets are produced by the EMBRCʼs Genomic Observatories (GOs) in order to decipher the dynamics of marine ecosystems. The project developed metaGOflow, a workflow that allows researchers to analyse this increasing amount of data more effectively and rapidly.

Technical Challenge
The European Marine Omics Biodiversity Observation Network (EMO BON) is a long-term omics observatory of marine biodiversity that generates hundreds of metagenomic samples periodically from a range of stations around Europe. The project addresses the challenges of the analysis of EMO BON data.

metaGOflow - https://github.com/emo-bon/MetaGOflow is a pipeline based on MGnify - https://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/ and its workflows:

This initiative makes the data produced by the GOs more easily interpretable by providing the taxonomic inventories of each sample in a timely manner and in a non-technical format.


Open Science project:
