Science cluster

ESCAPE - Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics


The FSD project aims to enhance FAIR data archiving, curation and sharing, of solar data of the SOLARNET Virtual Observatory (SVO), other astrophysical databases, and the ESCAPE-ESAP science platform. It will do so by leveraging standards established by the SOLARNET project and the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). This work will not only improve seamless access to existing data through Virtual-Observatory (VO) tools, but will also support the future operations of the European Solar Telescope (EST), Europe’s largest solar telescope.

Research domains:
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle or Nuclear Physics
Astronomical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences
Project team member(s):
Pavol Schwartz, Peter Gömöry (AI SAS), Ján Rybák, (AI SAS), Robbe Vansintjan, (Royal Observatory of Belgium - ROB), Ilaria Ermolli (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - INAF), Svetlana Berdyugina (Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Daccò - IRSOL), Renzo Ramelli (IRSOL), Manuel Collados Vera (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), Jorge Quintero Nehrkorn (IAC), Nazaret Bello Gonzalez (Leibniz-Institut für Sonnenphysik - KIS), Peter Caligari (KIS), Mats Löfdahl (Stockholm University - SU), Mats Carlsson (University of Oslo - UiO), Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan (UiO)


Open Science project, Open Science Service

The sheer volume and diversity of solar data, generated by a wide array of observational instruments and computational models, present significant challenges in terms of accessibility, interoperability, and reuse. Without adherence to widely accepted data standards, such as those of SOLARNET and IVOA, much of this data remains siloed and difficult to integrate into broader astrophysical and heliophysics research, limiting its potential impact.


FSD will ensure that existing solar datasets and  archives are made FAIR-compliant using advanced tools for data archiving, curation and sharing. SOLARNET and IVOA standards will be applied, and suitable network solutions (such as EPN-TAP) will be adopted, facilitating the integration of solar data into a shared framework accessible to the global astrophysical community. 

The SVO web client will allow users to easily search for and find data across datasets, and in the Heliophysics Event Knowledge Base (HEK). In addition, web services and clients will be provided for searching the resulting metadata, reviewing results, and efficiently accessing the data. 

Scientific Impact

The project will improve seamless access to solar observations and simulations data, benefiting not only the astrophysical community, but also scientists in related fields, such as geophysics, space physics, and meteorology, as well as in applied research, such as solar-energy technologies, space technology, and more. By making data management processes FAIR compliant, FSD will ensure that solar datasets are available for complex searches, script-based analyses, and cross-disciplinary research, enabling scientific breakthroughs in understanding solar phenomena and their broader implications. 

The way metadata is collected will be optimised, achieving a milestone for the development of future EST instrumentation, while testing  technical aspects of the data-lakes that will be used for archiving and sharing scientific data.

solar data, SOLARNET Virtual Observatory, IVOA standards, astrophysics, geophysics, space physics, meteorology, solar-energy technologies, space technology
Project start date:
Project duration:
24 months

Principal investigator

Pavol Schwartz - PI FSD project
Pavol Schwartz
Astronomical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences - AI SAS

Born in Slovakia. Studied physics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University (FMPI CU), Slovakia. Postgraduate at the Department of Solar Physics of the Astronomical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences (DSP AISAS). PhD in 2003 in Astronomy and Astrophysics at FMPI CU. Five years postdoc at the Solar Department of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, continued there three years as a young scientist. Up to this date, senior scientist at DSP AISAS. Research field: multi-spectral diagnostics of plasma of solar filaments and prominences.

"Thanks to implementing standards of Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability into the solar data, are their archives usable not only for solar physicists but also for the wider scientific community of related natural sciences."