NAPMIX: Nuclear, Astro, and Particle Metadata Integration for eXperiments

Science cluster

ESCAPE - Astronomy, Nuclear and Particle Physics


The NAPMIX project aims to create a cross-domain metadata schema tailored for the Nuclear, Astro, and Particle Physics communities. By leveraging local and international connections, including Open Science initiatives like EOSC, EURO-LABS, and the ESCAPE Cluster, NAPMIX will foster synergies with related fields, enhancing cross-domain interoperability. The schema will facilitate the sharing and long-term findability of datasets, representing a breakthrough in Open Science within experimental physics. Community feedback will be integral to refining the schema, ensuring its relevance and sustainability.

Research domains:
Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle or Nuclear Physics
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH


Open Science Service, Main RI concerned, Cross-domain/Cross-RI

The NAPMIX project emerged to address a significant gap in nuclear physics: the lack of a unified metadata schema necessary for achieving FAIR datasets. This challenge extends to the fields of particle and astro-particle physics, highlighting the need for a collaborative European effort to create a common metadata schema with user-friendly infrastructure. By integrating expertise across these domains, NAPMIX aims to enhance data management practices.


NAPMIX will establish a collaborative community in experimental nuclear, astro-particle, and particle physics to develop a comprehensive metadata schema and user interface. The project will include:

  • A front-end generator for user input, producing outputs in both machine and human-readable formats.
  • A multi-layered ‘nodal’ structure to incorporate use cases based on real experimental datasets.
  • Connections to existing ontologies such as DataCite, OpenPMD and NeXus.
  • Interfaces to current infrastructures as a pathway to an Open Science Ecosystem.
  • Testing and deployment of the schema with multiple use cases to enhance data FAIRness.
  • Training for researchers on the importance and application of metadata.

Finally, the project will publish the schema and broaden connections within the ESCAPE community, while striving to connect to the EOSC.

Scientific Impact

NAPMIX is positioned to significantly advance research data management by promoting discipline-specific metadata and fostering collaboration across fields. The project will enhance the uptake of Open Science practices and contribute to scientific progress through its integration with existing infrastructures, such as ESCAPE and PUNCH4NFDI. By facilitating cross-domain adoption and interoperability, NAPMIX will serve as a scalable service deployable across multiple research infrastructures. Upon completion, the community will continue to support and expand the schema, furthering the goals of FAIR data and Open Science.

cross-domain metadata schema, data management, cross-domain interoperability
Project start date:
Project duration:
24 months

Principal investigator

Andrew Kishor Mistry
Andrew Kishor Mistry
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

Dr. Andrew Kishor Mistry is the Coordinator for Research Data Management at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR GmbH), Darmstadt Germany. He holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics from the University of Liverpool.

"The NAPMIX project will strengthen Open Science in nuclear, astro, and particle physics by creating an application that facilitates metadata input and a common schema that unifies data descriptions. This will enhance cross-domain collaboration and the FAIRness of experimental datasets."