Science clusters

STARLIGHT aims to revolutionise the Real-Time Analysis (RTA) of CTAO data by transitioning from a monoscopic to a stereoscopic approach. Integrating simultaneous observations from multiple telescopes will enhance event reconstruction, increase sensitivity, and enable rapid detection of transient high-energy phenomena.
Photo credit: CTAO gGmbH
Detecting low-energy gamma events is challenged by the limited Cherenkov light yield and interference from night sky background. The current monoscopic methods lack the precision and speed needed to capture fleeting cosmic phenomena, such as gamma-ray bursts and AGN flares.
STARLIGHT will implement a three-phase development: beginning with stacked monoscopic analysis, advancing to low-level stereoscopy, and culminating in high-level stereoscopic analysis. By leveraging HPC and machine learning techniques, the project will merge data from multiple telescopes in real time to improve accuracy and trigger timely alerts.
Scientific Impact
The enhanced RTA system will significantly improve gamma-ray detection sensitivity and resolution, leading to breakthroughs in high-energy astrophysics. This advancement will enable precise studies of transient events and foster interdisciplinary collaboration within the open science framework, strengthening the European research infrastructure.
Principal investigator

Sami Caroff is a research fellow at LAPP specialising in gamma-ray astronomy and real-time data analysis for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO). With a background in AMS-02 research and extensive experience with Cherenkov Telescopes. He is leading the real-time analysis reconstruction of CTAO and its transition to stereoscopic analysis for enhanced transient detection.