Working closely with the coordinator at CNRS-LAPP and the comms team at CERIC and Trust-IT. OSCARS is built upon the cross-cluster work of the last years and will hopefully help to find even more commonalities across the scientific domains and foster a fruitful cooperation, helping more scientists to take up Open Science and make use of the resources in EOSC.
Management, Communication & Open Calls (MACC)
I hold a PhD in Polymer Physics from Freiburg’s Albert-Ludwigs-University. My first job was with the scientific publisher Springer where in 1997 I got involved in my first-ever European Commission funded research project.
Apart from short interruptions, I have never since left the EC research funding environment, coordinating all kinds of projects over the years, providing strategic advice, running training or info events, chairing the EC working group of the Leibniz Gemeinschaft and for the last 8 ½ years managing 3 Life Science Research Infrastructure cluster projects.
At Trust-IT, I am coordinating the RI’s cluster of cluster project “OSCARS - Open Science Clusters’ Action for Research and Society” in cooperation with CNRS-LAPP in France.
When not working I enjoy reading, riding my horse, singing in a choir, listening to classical music, and trying to organise my two sons of 17 & 20.