Having been involved in a number of research initiatives for years, I feel that OSCARS has all the resources necessary to really have an impact on the project's target beneficiaries. Its extensive bottom-up design involving researchers from the very beginning and through various mechanisms such as the open calls or even through representation within the project allows it to deliver impact where it matters.
Rob Carrillo is a Project Manager for Trust-IT leading teams in implementing marketing and communication strategies to support public sector and non-profit initiatives. Currently, he works on EU-funded, transnational, high-tech, multi-million euro initiatives that contribute to the realisation of the European Commission's policy priorities. He has coordinated communications activities on projects and initiatives related to the European Open Science Cloud, Destination Earth, and pan-European data e-infrastructures. He is also the Marketing and Outreach Coordinator for the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure and is one of the dissemination experts of the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster initiative. Rob has a Master in Business Administration from the University of Pisa and graduated Magna cum Laude in Business Informatics from AMA International University. In 2023, he received the Outstanding Leadership Award at the Marketing 2.0 Conference.