Opening announcement | 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services

2nd OSCARS Open Call announcement banner

We are glad to announce the opening date of our 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services, which will take place on 14th March, 2025, at 10:00 am CET. The full text of the call will be published in the "Open Calls" section of our OSCARS website.

The cascading grant action is aimed at supporting researchers in uptaking FAIR data analysis and providing a series of new scientific results and services, demonstrating the role the Science Clusters as thematic Nodes for “Open Research” in Europe could play for the benefit of the scientific impact of EOSC.

Following the legal advice from the EC around eligibility criteria, we are glad to inform you that the criteria will be the same as in the 1st Open Call, that is there is a 250,000 € limit per project but no limit per organisation.

Who can apply: Research Infrastructures, Universities, Institutes, SMEs and large companies, consortia, as well as individual researchers. Individual researchers, or a group of researchers, in different countries of the EU, Associated Countries and beyond can apply with their own affiliation (a university or a research institute). A Science Cluster by itself cannot apply.

  • Opening date: March 14th, 2025, 10:00 CET
  • Overall funding available: ~3 Million EUR
  • Projects' duration: 12 to 24 months
  • Budget: 100 k€ - 250 k€
  • Application deadline: May 14th, 2025, 17:00 CEST

We are keen to maximise the impact of our funding by supporting a diverse range of innovative projects from different communities and organisations. High quality applications by organisations that have not received funding in the 1st OSCARS Open Call, for subjects distinct from those previously supported, will therefore be prioritised in the 2nd Open Call.

The organisation and management of the cascading grant calls, together with the mentoring and training activities that the Science Clusters will provide in OSCARS, contribute to performing excellent science and pursuing societal benefits by leveraging an Open Research approach.

By the end of OSCARS, it is expected that a series of valuable scientific results and new services will be available, leading to an increased uptake of Open Science by researchers and to promote cross-border and cross-domain cooperation in the long run.


General information about the Open Call

What are Open Science projects and services

Browse the projects funded via the 1st OSCARS Open Call

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