On January 15th, the event for the preparation for the OSCARS 2nd Open Call for Open Science projects and services took place, to introduce the key scopes of the Open Call, and to reply to the questions by participants.
The video recordings are now online, in the OSCARS Youtube channel, at this link.
Watch the video:
Q&As on 2nd OSCARS Open Call
Download the presentation by OSCARS coordinator, Giovanni Lamanna, about the 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects and services.
Browse and download the presentations by the representatives of the OSCARS funded projects attending the event:
- Fernando Aguilar, GOYAS - Geospatial Open-science Yielding ApplicationS: innovative and FAIR remote-sensing data [project's webpage]
- Iain McDonald, GASPS - Gaia All-Sky Parameters for Stars Service [project's webpage]
- Oliver Knodel, mTeSS-X - Scaling training portal federation for RIs through Multi-tenanting and Exchange [project's webpage]
- Bernd Hinrichsen - MatScatNet - A Cloud Database for Sharing X-ray & Neutron Scattering Data for Materials Research [project's webpage]
- Nikola Ljubešić - ParlaCAP - Comparing agenda settings across parliaments via the ParlaMint dataset [project's webpage]
- Volodymyr Kotsiubynskyi - PNU-OpenLab - Advanced Materials Open Science Centre at the Precarpathian National University [project's webpage]
The answers to the questions, which have not been addressed during the event, are available HERE.