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Title Sort descending Author Last update
FAIR IMPACT r.carrillo@tru…
FAIR phytoliths - increasing the FAIRness of phytoliths data l.mari@trust-i…
FAIR-EO - FAIR, Open and AI-Ready Earth Observation Resources nicoletta.carb…
FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC s.duri@trust-i…
FAIRFUN4Biodiversity - FAIR AI models for functional annotation of biodiversity genomics resources s.duri@trust-i…
FAIRGamma: Contribution for the FAIRisation of Gammapy nicoletta.carb…
FAIRification of IsoSeq Evidence-driven annotation of the biodiversity nicoletta.carb…
FAIRMD - Disorder to Order: Streamlining Biomolecule Simulation Re-Use with FAIR NMRlipids database nicoletta.carb…
FAIRY - FAIRification of YEASTRACT+ to Support Yeast-based Bioeconomy and Health s.duri@trust-i…
FASCA - Facilitating Scholarly Communication Analysis through GoTriple Pipeline nicoletta.carb…
Findable Big Data from Various Material Characterisation Techniques nicoletta.carb…
FMI l.difiore@trus…
Fostering the uptake of Open Science in Europe l.difiore@trus…
Friederike Schmidt-Tremmel g.causarano@tr…
FSD - Federation of Solar Data nicoletta.carb…
FZ Juelich l.difiore@trus…